I have scoured and scavenged the internet to find these 18 trusted sites that pays up to $30/hr to test apps and websites. These companies hires people to test apps, websites or to find bugs on softwares before or in the beta phase of their launch. Now don’t let that ruffle ya’ll. You don’t have to code, read algorithm or be a techy person to do this job.
All that you need to do is to sign up for these companies for free, speak out your mind while performing instructed tasks, and/or write an honest feedback. It is that simple.
Any stay-at-home mum, any student or anyone who likes to make an extra money can do this job. What is the loss in voicing our opinion about a website or an app for 15-20 mins and getting paid $10 or more, right? It is more than a beer-money for me.

Requirements :

  • PayPal or a Payoneer account.
  • PC or Mac and/or smartphone.
  • Microphone.
  • Screen Capture software or Chrome Extension.
You will need a PayPal or a Payoneer account to get paid. Wherever there is an option of being paid through Payoneer, use it. Because Payoneer has a lot less transaction charges and won’t rip you off, unlike PayPal. Sign up here and get $25 bonus*
You’ll need a PC or a Mac and/ or a smartphone to view the websites or app.You will have to scroll through the site or an app on your device as is instructed while speaking your mind out loud at the same time.
Some sites don’t require any microphone but the majority of them do require a microphone.You don’t need any fancy microphones. If you have a decent headphone with an external mic on it, it will do the job for you.
But if you don’t have any, check this out on Amazon. Costs less than $8.

You will have to install a screen recording software or a chrome extension that records or captures your screen as you test websites or mobile apps. They want to see how real users interact with their websites or apps in real life scenario. Installing a screen recording software or Chrome extension is a breeze. Don’t worry about it. Now that we are all set with the requirements, let’s dive in and find out more about these 18 trusted sites that pays up to $30/hr to test apps and websites.

1. Ferpection –

This is a company based in Paris, France. It was founded in 2014 by Arnaud Limbourg and Thibault Geenen. They claim to have over 50,000 testers who make up to $200 per month in their spare time.
  • Requirements – You only need a laptop and/or smartphone. No microphone required.
  • What do you have to do here? You have to complete short tasks called missions where you give positive or negative feedback about a landing page or an app. One of your feedbacks will have to be prioritized. Along with the feedback, you will have to upload the screenshot of what you are giving feedback on.
  • Is there a qualification test here? Yes. You have to complete a two-minute feedback about a landing page on your laptop or smartphone. Once your feedback is approved, you receive €2. If it is not approved, you will get a feedback email detailing what you missed and what you need to do.
  • Payments – You get paid once a month through PayPal. Each mission will fetch you about €10 and the payment threshold is €25.
  • What people are saying online? –  Legit site with an awesome support team. But it has a high payment threshold of €25 and the approval time for the missions completed can be a bit lengthy.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below –


2. Enroll –

Enroll is a company based in Campbell, California. They hire people to test landing pages, logo designs or to navigate around a website.
  • Requirements – Laptop or smartphone. You can work on either of them. No mic required.
  • What do you have to do? – Tasks ranges from choosing between two landing pages, logo designs, usability testing, etc. Task duration could range anywhere from few seconds to several mins.
  • Is there a qualification test? – Not Really. All that you have to do is sign up with an email and a password and fill up few surveys so that they can match some test for you.
  • Payment – They pay once a month through PayPal as long as you have $1 in your account.
  • What people are saying online? – Legit site that has the lowest payout threshold known. Can test in any platform – be it laptop or mobile. But it has limited tasks and tasks are first come first serve.
  • Where to sign up? – Sign up right below.


3. Usability Hub –

Usability Hub allows companies to determine which landing page is better between the two by letting users decide it. It also allows companies to decide whether a specific page achieves its purpose or not – meaning whether, in a real life scenario, a desired action is taken by the user or not.
  • Requirements – PC or Mac. No microphone required.
  • What do you have to do? – You will get short tasks asking you which landing page do you like, what goal does this page achieves, etc. Tasks literally takes only seconds to complete.
  • Is there a qualification test? – No. As soon as you sign up, you will get to work provided there are tasks available.
  • Payment –  They pay once a month via PayPal as soon as you hit $10. Each task is worth 1 credit and 1 credit is equal to $.10. So you need 100 credits to reach $10.
  • What people are saying about it? –  Easy peasy work which anyone can do. You don’t need any special skill to give your opinion about how a page looks like. Tests are very short. But they have limited tests and their payment can take up to 3 weeks to be receive.
  • Where to sign up? – Sign up right below.



4.Userbrain –

Userbrain is a usability testing website where your audio and screen would be recorded as you navigate around a website speaking your mind out loud through a headphone. You also get to test web-applications and prototypes before they go live online.
  • Requirements – Laptop or an iPad/iPhone, microphone, chrome extension or an iOS app.
  • What do you have to do? – You have to speak your mind out loud as you navigate around a website performing tasks as instructed. You should never stop talking and should never pre-test a site! Their clients only want recordings of first-hand user experience. You can take the test either in a laptop or in an iPhone or iPad app. They currently don’t have an android app. Moreover one has to log in to their Chrome extension before testing.
  • Is there a qualification test? Yes. There is a screener test that you have to upload for them to review. Once your screener test is approved, you will start getting invites for real tests.
  • Payment – They pay $3 per 5-15 mins of website testing. Once you have $10 in your account, you can request for payment. They pay via PayPal.
  • What people are saying about it? – One can take the tests either in laptop or desktop or in an iPad or iPhone (No android though). And they have low minimum payout of $10. They also have free guides and tutorials for would be testers and new testers. However you won’t be notified of new tests via email, you got to check their dashboard frequently either in a laptop or in their iOS app yourself.
  • Where to sign up? – Right here below.


5.WhatUsersDo –

This is another usability testing company that will pay you for your opinion about a website or an app.
  • Requirements – Laptop (PC/Mac), microphone and a screen recording software that you have to download.
  • What do you have to do? You have to speak out your mind loud as you navigate through a website, performing the instructed tasks as you go along. You might also have to fill up some questionnaire in the end.
  • Is there a qualification test? Yes. You have to send them a sample test before you are invited for paid tests.
  • Payment – They pay around $8 per 10-15 mins of test. They pay through PayPal on 25th of every month. If you are in Uk, they will pay you through direct deposit.
  • What people are saying about? Legit site for extra money. You are notified by email whenever there are tests available. But tests are rare and are first-come first-served.
  • Where to sign up? Right below.


6. UserTesting –

This is the most renowned and well-known company when it comes to testing websites and apps. It is not without a reason that this company is being featured in ABC, The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, etc.
  • Requirements – PC or Mac, a microphone, a smartphone and a screen recording software that will be provided.
  • What do you have to do? – You visit a website or an app and speak out loud as you perform certain tasks. Each set of tasks that you would be performing would be instructed beforehand. Your screen is recorded in the process.
  • Is there a qualification test? – Yes. You have to study their guidelines (which is short), perform a simulation test while speaking your mind out loud through a microphone. You need to complete certain set of tasks as is instructed as the task progresses. They also have a screener test before each test to ensure that you are the right candidate for the  actual test.
  • Payment – They pay up to $10 for website or app tests that requires about 10-20 mins of your time. Payment is made once every month through PayPal. Since their pay per test is $10, you don’t have to worry about the payment threshold.
  • What others are saying about it –  Here is what reputed publications has to say about it.

  • Where to sign up? – Right here below.


7. trymyUI –

This is another usability where companies pays users to test their websites, apps or prototypes. One has to voice their thoughts and frustrations out loud so that site developers can hear and understand your experience and of those like you.
  • Requirements – Laptop, microphone,a screen recording software( you can download it from sign-up page).
  • What do you have to do? – Just like in UserTesting, you have to voice our thoughts or frustrations out loud as you set out to do certain instructed actions on their site. Your screen and voice gets recorded in the process.
  • Is there a qualification test? –  Yes. There is a TryMyUi qualification test that you have to pass. It is a simple test where they will see you testing a sample site while speaking out loud. Once your sample test is approved, you start getting paid tests.
  • Payment – They pay $10 per test that requires about 20 mins to complete. They pay every Friday via PayPal.
  • What people are saying about? Low minimum payout of $10, weekly pay and instant payment approval are the plus points. The negative points being that, you don’t get notified by email about the tasks and the tasks are first-come first-served. Also,not all tests are approved by their graders.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.


8.Userfeel –

This is another usability testing site where testers tests website, apps and prototypes. Your job is to follow a given scenario and perform certain tasks as you speak out loud.
  • Requirements – You need a PC (Windows 7 or newer) or a Mac.
  • What do you have to do? You will have to perform certain tasks like adding products to shopping cart and checking out (you don’t have to actually buy the product), while speaking out loud about the entire experience.
  • Is there a qualification test? Yes. There is a qualification test in your native language.
  • Payment – They pay $10 per 10-20 mins of test. You will get paid one week after the test via PayPal or Payoneer. If you don’t have a Payoneer account, sign up here. You will save a lot in transaction charges.
  • What people are saying about? Low payout and no special skill is required to be a website tester. They pay rate is quite high at $10 for 10-20 mins of your time. However there aren’t many tests available all the time.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.


9. Erlibird

This is a bit different from the above sites. You will not only be testing websites or apps, you might even get the chance to test gadgets and other hardwares.
  • Requirements  – PC or Mac and any device mentioned for the test. You may also need a microphone occasionally. Must be able to write and speak English fluently.
  • What do you have to do? You have to test new apps (iOS or Android) that are in beta phase, test websites or hardwares and give good feedback. The most important thing here is the feedback. Your audio and screen may be recorded in some tests.
  • Is there a qualification test? Not really.
  • Payment – You can make about $10 per test that can take up to 20 mins or longer. Depending on the feedback, you might be paid more. They have three modes of payment. Cash (via PayPal), karma or donation. Cash via PayPal is paid 7 days after your feedback. If you choose karma option, your karma points will be traded for paid apps, iTunes, games, kindle books, etc. When you choose to donate it, it is donated to charitable causes.
  • What people are saying about? Legit site for extra money. But don’t expect it to make you a full-time income.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.



In this site, testers gets to test pre-released apps and mobile games from leading mobile developers around the world. You will be responsible for localization testing, functional testing and usability testing. You also get an opportunity to be a team-lead in your area after sufficient testing experience.
  • Requirements – Only smartphone or tablet is required. No PC or Mac, no microphone.
  • What do you have to do? You will have to be testing pre-released games or mobile apps (Android or iOS) and let the clients know if there are any bugs.
  • Is there a qualification test? There is a certification process. You need to sign an NDA with them before being invited for any work.
  • Payment – Varies. I am a member of UberTester and they send me an invite for different projects time to time. Pay is different for each project. In one of the project that I was invited, the pay rate was $12/hr. That is a huge pay rate for an Indian.
  • What people are saying about? From my own personal experience, I can say that this is a legit site. Test availability may vary depending on the demography and the needs of the clients though. One downside is that they require specific type of mobile device for different projects. And we cannot have all of them with us at any given time.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.



11. Testbirds

This is a high-paying usability testing site where testers tests websites and portals, apps, IoTs, wearables, games and other applications. Testers also get paid for finding bugs in applications and websites.
Don’t be worried about the term bug. When an element within a web-page or an app doesn’t function as intended, it is called as “bug”. If an “about” page on a website takes us to a “contact” page, that is a bug and it has to be reported by testers like you. They are headquartered in Munich, Germany with offices in UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, and Russia.
  • Requirements – All that you need is a device to go online (smartphone or laptop).
  • What do you have to do?  You not only have to test the usability of an app or a website, you also have to find bugs and report it in a format that is given.
  • Is there a qualification test?  Yes. According to available information online, it is an easy test. Once you pass the test, you are paid €5.
  • Payment – They pay up to €20 per test which takes about 20 – 30 minutes. Professional testers can earn up to €50 per test. For each bug that you find you are paid €1 to €5, on top of the standard payment. They pay via PayPal or direct deposit twice a month.
  • What people are saying about? Legit site that pays serious money. They accept both beginner as well as professional testers. No minimum payment threshold and tests aren’t first-come first-served. You will have several days to accept and complete the test. But you will need multiple devices to be invited for more tests.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.



MyCrowd is a beta usability-testing and bug-finding site that pays tester for finding bugs on mobile apps and other applications. The type of testing that they do includes functional testing, explorative testing, ad hoc testing, user testing, accessibility testing, UX/UI testing, website testing, mobile testing, etc.
  • Requirements – Desktop or smartphone. Specific tests may require specific smartphone models or desktop with a certain processing power. One has to be based in USA.
  • What do you have to do? You need to be the first one to find bugs in a web application or an app.
  • Is there a qualification test? No.
  • Payment – Varies. Depending on the complexity of the bug, you will be paid $2 – $15. But you should be the first one to find the bug. They pay via PayPal as soon as your bug is accepted by the client.
  • What people are saying about?  They got more negative comments than the positive ones. Sometimes they don’t even seem to find the bugs submitted.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.


13.Test IO

This is another usability testing as well as bug finding site based in Germany. They do website testing, mobile testing, wearables, IoTs, etc.
  • Requirements – Any connected device such as laptop or smartphones. Microphone is required occasionally.
  • What do you have to do? Apart from performing normal usability testing, testers are required to find and report bugs in the format given. Duplicate bugs are rejected.
  • Is there a qualification test? Yes. There is an onboarding test for which the have a separate academy as well.
  • Payment – Test IO claims that heir top testers make around $1000 per month.  One can earn about €8 per bug reported. Payments are processed through PayPal, Payoneer or bank transfer.
  • What people are saying about? It has 3.4 ratings in Glassdoor by current and former testers. It is one of the highest paying crowdtesting sites out there. Highly recommended. One downside is that it is hard to get in to Test IO. They reject majority of the applicants. And their academy is not properly organized.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.


14. uTest

This is a purely bug finding and software testing site where full time testers from USA and other first world countries make anywhere from $1,000- $10,000 a month. I am not even kidding !! This is a screenshot of the recent projects being posted in uTest.
You apply to projects like these, and if your application is accepted, you are invited and you get paid to test various aspects and functionality of an app or a site.
  • Requirements – Any connected device such as laptop, desktop, smartphone, smart TV, etc
  • What do you have to do? You will be finding bugs in a software application.
  • Is there a qualification test? No. However, to be invited for paid projects, you need to apply to an unpaid sandbox project and demonstrate your bug finding ability. They have enough resources for this.
  • Payment – Varies. There is no any fixed payment. It all depends on projects. The top-level full-time workers from USA and other countries makes anywhere from $1000-$10,000 per month. Payment is made through Paypal or Payoneer twice a month.
  • What people are saying about? This is where bug hunters make the most money. Many of them make full-time income here.
  • Where to sign up? Sign up right here below



Don’t have a high quality webcam? Check this out in Amazon. It costs less than $11.


Intellizoom also known as Userzoom pays for your opinion on products and services that you use. Unlike other usability testing sites this is not only about websites or apps.
  • Requirements – A desktop/laptop, tablet or smartphone, UserZoom’s eCertified testing software, microphone and/or webcam. One has to be USA or UK citizen. You might also need a webcam occasionally.
  • What do you have to do? You will have to voice your opinion about products and services that you use.
  • Is there a qualification test? Yes. A sample study for desktop, mobile or both has to be sent. Once it is approved, you are invited for paid opportunities.
  • Payment – They pay $10 for studies that records both audio and video. For standard test, they pay $5. Test duration ranges between 10 – 20 mins. Payments are made via PayPal within 21 days of the test being completed.
  • What people are saying about? Legit site for extra money. But test availability will depend on demographics and previous test quality.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.



This is a usability testing site where you will be testing websites, prototypes, advertisements, videos and other types of material from small start-up companies to those of large well-known corporations. Some of the test requires you to use webcam, while some don’t.
  • Requirements –  PC (Windows 7 or higher) or Mac (10.7.3 or higher), microphone and/ or webcam. Webcam of your computer will work.
  • What do you have to do? Just like other usability testing sites, you need to speak out your mind out loud as you navigate through a website performing certain tasks (like adding products to a shopping cart, adding new friends, etc). You may also be required to show your face if the clients wants.
  • Is there a qualification test? No.
  • Payment They pay up to $10 per 20-30 mins of test. As soon as your test is approved, payments are made via PayPal.
  • What people are saying about? Legit site to make extra money. they don’t have any qualification test. But tests are rare.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.


17. TestingTime

This is a high-paying usability testing company based in Zurich, Switzerland. Their primary focus is in German speaking countries although they do hire testers from other countries too. Unlike others, in TestingTime, your test session will be moderated via Skype and in some cases, you might have to visit the client’s office and test in person.
  • Requirements Laptop, microphone, external webcam if possible, Skype.
  • What do you have to do? You will be performing moderated usability testing of mobile apps or websites. In certain cases, you might be required to show up in client’s office and test in person.
  • Is there a qualification test? No.
  • Payment The pay up to €65 per test that lasts 30-90 mins. Payments are done through PayPal or through direct deposit after 5-10 days.
  • What people are saying about? Legit site that pays decent money for usability testing. They also don’t have any qualification test. One weird thing is that there is no any platform for testers to log in. You will be invited by email of there is any tests available matching your profile. So don’t look around for page to log in after you have signed up.
  • Where to sign up?  Right here below


18. Validately

This is another usability testing site that is a fairly new entrant and pays really well. You will have talk out loud as you perform tests on a website or an app. Signing up here is a breeze, you can easily sign up through your Facebook or G+ if you are already logged in. They count Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others among their clients.
  • Requirements – Laptop, smartphone or tablets, microphone and high quality webcam.
  • What do you have to do? You will have to speak out loud as you conduct the tests. Some tests are moderated meaning your screen and webcam will be shared with a moderator as the test is being conducted. Remember, you are not being tested, you are testing the website.
  • Is there a qualification test? Yes. There is an initial one minute screener for which you need the most recent version of Chrome and a Validately chrome extension. You will have to speak out loud through a microphone.
  • Payment – For unmoderated tests where you just need to speak to speak out loud, they pay up tp $ 5-$10 for 5 mins of test. For moderated tests, you are paid $25 for 30 mins of test. Payments are made via PayPal 7 days after the tests.
  • What people are saying about? High paying tests with lots of test availability. No minimum payment threshold and it has both desktop as well as mobile tests. The sign-up process is a bit lengthy though.
  • Where to sign up? Right here below.



Here is what you need to work on the companies above –
  • PayPal or Payoneer – Whenever there is an option to get the payment through Payoneer, use it. Because unlike PayPal, Payoneer won’t rip you off. Sign up right here for Payoneer
  • Some of the sites would require headphone and some won’t. Similarly some of the sites will require webcam, some won’t. Get headphone right HERE from Amazon. Need a webcam? Get it HERE FROM AMAZON.
Majority of the websites here pays $10 for 10-20 mins of website/app testing. Taking the average pay of $10 and maximum time of 20 mins, the pay rate translates to about $30/per hour. I am not even talking about sites like uTest, Validately or Testine Time that pays much more.
So that right there is the ultimate guide to 18 trusted sites that pays up to $30/hr to test apps and websites.
It took me more than 10 hours to research, compile and present this blog post to you. Please share if you feel that this post was of some help to you and you feel that it could probably help your friends and family.